Discover how to secure yourself and your data with a penetration test.

Learn how easy it is for hackers to get to your information if you’re not keeping track of it. Make sure your team is adhering to good cyber hygiene, a penetration test (pentest) is now crucial.

What we will analyse:

• Security Patches and Vulnerability Management

• Discover whether your network has vulnerabilities resulting from patch management issues.

• Test Your Network Perimeter Defense

• Our scanner will test whether your firewalls are configured correctly and report issues if they did not appropriately alarm. Using multilayered boundaries, including a firewall, Intrusion Prevention and Intrusion Detection are more critical today than ever before.

• Test Your Identity and Access Management

• Learn if your team is using stale, repeated or crackable passwords for accounts on your network. Security best practices for handling passwords  and credentials are employed, such as the usage of multi-factor authentication for remote access, critical accounts and administrative accounts, enforcement of a strong password policy, absence of default and/or shared accounts, etc

• Identify Serious Data Leaks

• Determine where sensitive data is stored on your devices and make sure it’s being guarded. Hackers commonly exploit both your network and data assets when attacking your network.

• Determine Your Malware Defenses

• Find out if you have an appropriate cyber stack that will respond to a virus attack.

• Get The Information To Inform Your Cybersecurity Decision Making

• Gauge where your cybersecurity is today. Learn whether data encryption, along with information about what a hacker can see around an infected device. Determine if your network would withstand an attack (even on one machine!)

Can You Withstand A Cyber Attack

For a limited time only, we are offering a free pentest, We will analyse your results and present our findings as to what a hacker would find on your network.

Penetration Test

Nearly every data breach is preventable. Unfortunately, cybercriminals rely on the common belief that just because you’ve been able to avoid an incident like this in the past. you’re safe now
business IT Services

How the penetration test works

+ Email is posted with link to click, simulating what would happen.
+ Executable will run and analyse user system between 5mins-1hr.
+ system analyses is carried out
+ presentation of the results what a hacker would find on your network
+ remediation steps identified and plan agreed.

darkweb scanning


+ Book a pentest today to better understand your environment. We can help you to understand the types of cyber-attacks that may occur, and how to prevent/mitigate these.
+ Tests often find weaknesses overlooked by internal IT departments, such as potential backdoors and stranded/isolated machines.

Our Clients:

Let’s Talk

We understand every business is different and that’s why we offer a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs.